Everything You Should Know about 613 Color Hair

In the Spring, and black hair not only absorbs heat, but also brings a dull feeling.  At this time, light color hair becomes the choice of most people. When it comes to black hair, 613 is essential and definitely the first one most people can think of compared with black color. Are you ready to add a fresh-looking wig for your Spring? If 613 hair is your cup of tea, pls keep learning more.

Benefits of 613 Hair Color

Low maintenance


Another benefit of 613 hair color is that there is no maintenance warranty. No need for continuous processing, color will not fade, last for several months. This is a good option for people who don't have the time or money to go to the salon regularly.


Say No to Bleach

A lot of women refuse to dye their natural hair or their bundles because they don’t want to damage or burn the hair by using bleach. This concern is understandable, especially if you’re not a professional because bleaching your hair comes with its own set of rules to maintain the health of the hair. It can also become pricey–from purchasing bleach, developer, toner and conditioner to replenishing the hair before you even apply your desired color. You can skip all those steps when you purchase Brazilian bundles in the color #613.


Color Pay-Off

We’ve all seen dye jobs go left when the color pay-off is not up to par. Dyeing your 1B colored hair will usually give you an orange/brassy color that requires two or more tries at bleaching, purple shampoo, toners, etc. to remove the brass. And then you have to apply the color you want, but as you can imagine, you’re working against the canvas and not with it, so the color may not come out exactly how you pictured. However,  applying red, pink, blue or even ash to your #613 dyed bundles will give you the exact color you’ve been desperately wanting to try because the color pay-off is easier when you don’t have to strip the color first.


Less Time/Money

Do we really need to say more? Cut your time in half when you start with blonde bundles. The idea of bleaching, toning and deep conditioning before applying the color is off your to-do list when you’re using color #613. If you’ve ever bleached hair or even watched a video on YouTube, taking 1B to #613 is no easy feat. It takes time, money and patience to get the proper shade without damaging the hair. We suggest you save your time, energy and coin by investing in blonde bundles.


Protecting Your Natural Hair

Okay, girlie, this part is important. If you’ve never dyed your natural hair, don’t start now. There’s no need to bleach your hair or tamper with your curls. Save your natural hair all the stress and reach for your what? Yes, reach for your Brazilian blonde bundles. No need to worry about leaving out or blending your natural hair to the bundles when you can use a #613 closure to secure your look.

Maintain 613 hair colors

To maintain your 613 hair color, there are a few simple steps. First, you need to use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners to keep your hair colorful and healthy. Then you also need to use safe heat protection such as curling irons and iron when working with perms, finally, avoid chlorine and salt water.

613 Hair color risk

While 613 hair color is generally safe, there are some potential risks to consider. First, it's important to note that 613 hair color isn't for everyone. If your hair is naturally dark or red, you may find that 613 is not the right color for your hair type. Also, if your scalp is sensitive, you may experience irritation or discomfort after dyeing your hair.

In Conclusion

The 613's hair color was a bright honey blonde, which quickly became popular. It improves your appearance, makes hair fluffy, and is relatively maintenance-free. It's also safe and versatile, making it a great option for those who want to try coloring their hair. However, it is important to note that hair color 613 is not suitable for everyone and may cause irritation or discomfort to people with sensitive scalps.


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